Yesterday afternoon I was in a tank top running the A/C and thinking about making some sun tea.
Then Walda came.
A nearly fifty-degree drop in a matter of hours reminds you that Oklahoma's weather is decidedly bipolar.
Thankfully it got too cold to have any real threat of a tornado, but this morning we got to experience a bit of freezing rain.
This is when I'm glad I can stay in my pajamas (get the kid breakfast), make a cup of tea (get the laundry basket and balls so she can play), put a fire in the fireplace (clean up the 100 plastic balls she dumped out), reheat the tea (wash the breakfast dishes and start lunch), put on some soothing music (turn it off to put on Elmo so she'll eat something for lunch besides a gallon of milk), and relax (sit down for the 18th time to get up before 30 seconds to kiss a boo boo or go to the potty or get her a snack or yell at Roy for trying to sneak her apple slices).
Doesn't that sound lovely? Sometimes the condensed version is what I think is going on in my head, and the italics are what is really happening.
Now that she's down for a nap I'm reheating my tea again, putting my music back on and took a few minutes out in the freezing wind to take some pictures of this event.
This is when I'm thankful I haven't put any seedlings out yet!
This tree is normally a nice domed shape, but with the wind and ice it took on a new shape.
We lost a small branch off the maple tree...thankful it wasn't a bigger one!
Off to get another snack, wipe her nose, get the blocks out, and think about what to make for dinner. And there is GREAT news--my parents are flying to Arizona tonight and on Friday will be headed back east with Ammah in tow! They're due to arrive Saturday night, so if you could please keep them and their travels (and Ammah's house appraisal) in your prayers we'd appreciate it!