Today's Charity Spotlight goes to Saint Boniface Haiti Foundation.
Founded in 1983, the Saint Boniface Haiti Foundation's primary mission is to provide health care to the poor of Haiti in the rural area of Fond Des Blancs and the surrounding region. This is done through the Saint Boniface Hospital, work retreats, and other projects. The secondary mission is to improve the quality of life in the Haitian community through educational programs and humanitarian aid. The final mission is to raise awareness in the United States of the extreme poverty endured by the Haitian people. In the past year approximately 50,000 patients were seen at the Saint Boniface Hospital.
Since the earthquake over a month ago (can you believe its been that long?), they have worked with other organizations to get supplies for the hospital, which is currently still full. It was far enough from the epicenter to avoid any structural damage, though some of their other buildings did sustain some damage.
To donate to the Saint Boniface Haiti Foundation, click HERE.
So here's a little break from the norm and a highlight of, not exactly a charity, but a product that my mom got as a stocking stuffer for me this last Christmas.
Here's Day 26...so glad to be back in a pair of blue jeans! It seemed like forever!!!
I look awfully proud, don't I? Hmm.
And here's yesterday, Day 27. Once again forgot to take a pic at home but snapped one in the car with my phone on the way to work. My favorite part about this whole outfit were the yellow plastic rose stud earrings. Love 'em.
Thanks again to Abbey Ludwig for more charities! Today's spotlight goes to Mission Aviation Fellowship.
Their Mission Statement reads:
Sharing the love of Jesus Christ through aviation and technology so that isolated people may be physically and spiritually transformed.
Click here button to watch Transforming Lives, a short video about the ministry of MAF
Serving 1,000 Christian and Humanitarian Organizations Through …
A fleet of 55 aircraft flying some 2.59 million miles each year in the remote regions of the world. More Info...
Communications and Information Technology
Communications services to isolated areas worldwide, including email, HF/VHF radios, VSAT broadband Internet access, and networking solutions. More Info...
Learning Technologies
Strategic distance learning tools and support to help meet the critical need for trained Christian leadership in developing countries. More Info...
In Haiti, MAF has established a satellite communications center at the Port-au-Prince airport, allowing relief agencies to effectively communicate with those in and outside of Haiti. The MAF hangar has become a logistics point for aid organizations bringing food, water, medicines, and other relief supplies into this devastated country. MAF relief flights transport teams of medical and relief workers to remote areas.
Y'all might be wondering how my man is faring through all this Wardrobe Challenge stuff.
Well, he's felt the need to step up his dress attire from REI's uniform of technical shirts and windproof pants.
I love the barefoot look + the short tie. Nice combo.
I'm just kidding, y'all. Matt hasn't crossed over to the corporate look, he was just getting his clothes together for a wedding.
I almost said outfit, but no man wants to be told he's wearing an outfit. Am I right?
Anyways, this picture was really taken for Ammah because two years ago when we were going to a wedding every other weekend Matt had no dress pants that fit him well. Then for a birthday (or Christmas or something), Ammah got him a nice pair of slacks...that still didn't fit. She made us solemnly swear we would replace them with a pair that fit nice. So over a year ago we did. And until then that pair has hung in the closet with the tags still attached.
Until now.
So Ammah, be happy. Matt is wearing pants that actually fit.
And on that note congrats to our friend Paul Fazzio who tied the knot last Saturday!
On another note, here's the latest look from the other male in my life. Yes, my Roy Boy. Matt was snapping one of the Wardrobe Challenge shots for me and couldn't resist taking this of Roy who was sitting so nicely.
I think he was expecting treats to pop out of the camera or something.
So here's Day 23--last Friday, that is. I keep finding skirts stuck waaaay in the back of the closet. I think this may be this skirt's final hour, though. This was originally one of those cheap, Forever 21 skirts that I got for my Africa trip. Though it has served me well I think its lasted one season too long and is beginning to pill and the belt is falling apart. But you can't tell from the picture, right?
Those boxes in the background? Christmas decorations. Yup. They were still waiting to be put away...thanks for doing that last night, honey!
The cost of just one Superbowl ad slot could provide daily clean water for 167,000 families in Haiti. Sobering!
A big slobbery kiss right in the ear!
Gotta love dogs, right? You don't see that kind of affection from a cat.
Day 21 was the day of my last pair of jeans. I've held onto them until the end...they're my favorites. With heels and a blazer I felt 20 pounds slimmer...like they say on What Not To Wear, "structured jacket, straight leg jeans and pointy toed heels are all you need!"
And all God's children said "amen."
I'm running out of posing options, can you tell? I mean, did you really want to see me brushing my teeth?
Too bad.
That night I came home to find Roy had reached a new low.
Now, its been awhile since he really chewed anything up and we're good not to leave any books or magazines within easy grabbing...those being his guilty pleasures and all.
That dog pulled two books out of the bookcase. I don't know how he did it without disturbing the rest of them but, dexterous as he is, he got them.
One was just a pamphlet (extra papery, his favorite), and the other was Dave Ramsey's book that kicked us off on the No Spend Month in July.
Roy hasn't gotten quite as many treats or goodies since then...I think this might be his way of telling us he doesn't like the new budget.
Anyways, after yelling at him until he was sufficiently sorry and taking up the respectable amount of silent treatment I went to work wearing him out for the next day so there wouldn't be a repeat.
Oh, and I moved the bookshelf into the living room to avoid future displays of rebellion (in the form of eating books, at least).
After indoor fetch, a half hour of training and playing "Find It" (I make him stay in one part of the house, hide a treat in the other and say "find it!" and he sniffs it out), we ventured into the rain for a looong hour walk. Up and down many hills.
Then I made him work for his dinner by putting it in his Buddy Ball that he has to knock around to get the food out. By the time he was done he plopped down by my feet and passed out. And guess what? No torn books the next day!
I swear that dog has PMS or something and just goes a little haywire every now and then!
On to Day 22.
Only skirts left, now. This one I was putting off...another hippie one. But browsing through some of the Spring 2010 runway looks it seems the little house on the prairie look is back in style.
What I'm grateful for about this challenge is that it reminds me why I have certain things. After wearing this skirt I vowed to wear it more often...something about having a skirt swishing around my ankles makes me kinda happy.
Charity spotlight today is actually a big different. I first heard about it from Daily Candy's emails that get sent out. Its an art fundraiser online through Booooooom. Artists have donated some of their works and the proceeds all go towards Haiti. More specifially it links to Google's relief page for Haiti and the proceeds go either towards UNICEF or CARE (artist's choosing, I believe).
Some of these may already be sold but I thought they were rather nifty and wanted to give you a sample of some of the work being sold.
I don't know why I like that last one so much. Its called "Gullshrooms." hee hee.
Anyways, you can go online to Booooooom.com to see the other pieces of art and maybe get a piece of art in exchange for your donation!
Coming up: the end of my first round of pants/skirts and a return to beloved blue jeans!